Where I end, and you begin
Lord, you have let me suffer
When I cried for relief.
You have let the pain stretch and groan
Until my heart ceased to believe it could be lifted.
You have drawn me, again and again,
To the end of myself, to the outer limits
Of the city of things I understand.
Ever-expanding, the city limits grow out.
I love more, trust more, and the point of breaking
Moves further from me.
I take an evil security in that.
"The Lord has made me strong. I shall not break."
And then, as adventurers
Into the realms of weakness,
You teach me where I end,
And you begin.
You begin in the wracked sobs of love lost,
In the tortured strain of understanding foiled.
You begin as my fingertips lose their last piece of grip
On the sheer cliff face.
It is there that I am shown your vastness.
When I cannot imagine even one more way
For you to redeem,
You do something new.